Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Sunny Sunday

In conjunction with some motor fest... the police were doing 50% discounts on summonses...I was actually pretty excited, having being in Sepang for the first time. but boy was i in for a surprise.. It was friggin hot that day and to maks matters worse.. it was the longest wait ive ever had..we took off around 2... got there around 3.. and everything finished around 7...

Sepang Circuit


cute Motor

Electric Tricycle

Hot hot hot


Anonymous said...

kok..hang pi bayar saman ka?

Lin said...

tak la.. aku teman kawan aku pi bayar saman..

ayyub said...

electric tricycle is also known as recumbent.

Anonymous said...

motor kecik tu boleh pakai on the road in msia ke?

Lin said...

ayuub : thnks for the info

zahim : mm tak sure la plak.. they were renting it out during the fest for people to try ..