Clark: It doesn't bother you that he's so...
Lana: Different? If you really like someone, you accept every part of them, but you can't do that until they're willing to share every part with you.
Clark: I think people like Byron keeps a part of himself hidden so he doesn't scare people away.
Lana: If you want to get close to someone, you have to take that risk.
Clark: What if the risk is too big to take?
Lana: Then you might miss out on something that could be pretty amazing
Everyday I walk 4 flight of steps.. about 6 times a day.. each flight has 11 steps..
alltogether i walk at least 4 x 11 x 6 = 264 steps
Obviously I dont need to go the gym... Ever!....
Am I missing out on s'thing here??? ;P
Trust me on this,u still need to go to the gym!
hellooo.!!.. im sure im thinner than u dann
macam dok UK lagi byk kene jalan je...don't go to gym + EAT MORE!! *peace*
uih aku setuju dgn lana. dan aku juga setuju ko tak perlu pegi gym! nape???
a story on Lex Luthor dalam season 5 episode 9. a turning point. to be righteous and be loved or to be rich and powerful to buy love. sadissss....... nak tau selanjutnya, tunggu season 5.
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