Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Semangkuk Jerluk.. Sepinggang Dagang.. Tak Cukup Pulut Tambah Nasi Dagang

I am all excited today.. My desk is finally looking like an office desk..
with my own waste paper basket..pencils and pens.. glue..my own stapler..the works..
yeah i know not many would be prancing around with joy for some stationaries and a tong sampah... ( they dont call me Egi Tong for nothing...internal joke: azzad,Pak ajie and nogha je rasanya paham) but yes I am..
I *stole a set of drawers from the other wing this morning.. so now i have a place to keep my organisers and handbag....
Its a nice feeling...getting new stuff.. starting out in a new place..
Theres still that horrid affair of getting to know ur peers.. the bosses and adjusting to new people .. new environment and all but i guess once ure able to accept the fact that everyone starts from below, youre more able to enjoy the present rather than fretting on the future...
I do feel like a young apprentice .. trying to learn the ropes..asking my seniors every single detail.. i even have a patron who i rely on for most stuff.. but then again maybe my head has a bit too much of "Memoirs of Geisha" .. that im feeling this way..
I got it last week.. after several times contemplating to buy it.. books are expensive you know.. but i guess since i do need something to fill my time with and since I do wanna read the book before the movie comes out next week,its a good catch.. Its a great read and those who havent should definitely get it..
Anyway a cute boy came to the office today.. and even pointed out the book i was reading..( see.. i told you it was a good catch)..which was a good distraction from my routine reading.. but since he's taken and one of my friends already have a crush on him.. ill just leave it at that...

aku tak tau kenapa.. tapi suddenly aku teringat that story with that down syndrom kid "Corky" rasanya.. yg ada lagu. "O bladi..O blada.. life goes ooooooonn.. lalalala life goes on"....


ghoyye said...

citer life goes on la tuh. aku pon layan gak dulu² :D

Anonymous said...

Lin!!Well done!U're no longer a nomad!!!!;P

ayyub said...

i think i know how you feel. my cubicle was simple and tidy; arranged files and books. stationeries in order etc. phones, cables and my "tools". after only a week of outside work, my place turned into a pigsty! damn!

Lin said...

dan : no longer nomad but i still have nothing to do :(

ayyub: a pigsty means uve been working.. i think id rather my desk looking messy than the empty space it is right now...

Anonymous said...

U need work Lin?come and see me! ;P