Thursday, November 10, 2005


Every year Raya is spent at my mom's place in Perak..with very Kampung settings.even my atuk's house is the old Perak house, old Perak housethe thing about Raya in Kampung is that despite it being very festive and traditional, the cellphone coverage is very weak..ive been only able to receive SMS's and the only place i could get slightly clear line is under the rambutan tree.. ( read : Hello!.. se...krrk zzt lamat Hari.. zzt krrk Raya Weih..zzt.. Apa?? Mende?) so it would be a sight to behold.. me in my kain batik and all.. walking around the lawn with handphone in hand.. trying to get the best spot with the highest number of bars... most of the time id be chatting on my cell under this rambutan tree rambutan tree1 or this one rambutan tree 2..
Like every year we would make lemang lemang bakar blakang rumah and this year is extra special coz we even made our own panjut (pelita/pelita stand) using bamboo..This is what we made the one we made and this is the one we tried to copy what its supposed to look like.. there was even mercun... and bunga api.. courtesy of moi always.. theres always a mercun war.. who can make the loudest noise and all.. tapi mmg tak puas hati la... tahun nih rumah sebelah dia nyer mercun yg KLCC nyer taraf.. tak terlawan kitorang..
Other than that, Raya was filled with the normal merry making.. eating rendangs ... giving out duit raya ( first time kasi duit raya tahun nih) ..long distance phone calls..and long queus to the toilet.. So how was yours?

More photos in flickr


Anonymous said...

caitt..nana dah blah baru la wat panjut.. sadisnye rasa hatiku... eh anta la sume gamba kat email.. nak tengok sume tau

Lin said...

dade ghost : yeah raya tends to lose that meaning when youre loved ones are not there anymore.. 10 minit je? awat cepat sangat..

nana: k lin ada letak kat flickr.. tengok kat situh la.. penat laa nak upload semua..heh

mooke : yeah im lucky that my nenek is still okey..i think shes the one who keeps the family intact and raya great..

Anonymous said...

cantik tul rumah tu.. jeles.. my rumah kampung takde tangga :(

Anonymous said...

a typical perak kampung house! so jealous! my fam dah lama tak go back to those one around's a pity, really. :)

Lin said...

chi : hehehe thanks

nerr : yeah.. the original structure still intact,, except ada renovations sesikit