Seven Deadly Sins
The thing about this meme is that it needed some extra soul searching.. which i dont feel like revealing here..but she wanted me to do it in my funniest way possible..while hers seemed written with some thought.( eh yer ker?..)
in the end.. i decided in a comprimise between the two.. soul searching with a sprinkle of sugar.. so here they are in random oder...
seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. do the Hajj
2. ride the gondola in venice with my hubby ( when i get one lah)on a cool summer evening... been to venice before tp hari tuh tak sempat naik gondola
3. to repent from all my sins..
4. kiss a rock star/boy band member
5. give my parents a very grand gift.. car..expensive holiday.. (anything in that category).. they have raised me with well..making sure i had all the important things in life..(i am sooo afraid i might screw up my kid later on) and i am compelled to show my gratitude
6. get myself a PADI diving license
7. go ballroom dancing
seven things I cannot do:
1.sleep with my eyes open football/futsal..
3.curl my tongue (gulung lidah.. its genetic u know) without internet.. one day without talking to someone.. id be dead inside
6.touch/stand near a cockroach without screaming bloody murder without my handphone.. id go nuts
seven things i can do
1. make voice impressions..( crazy frog.. YM audibles)
2. brush my teeth with my left hand
3. pick up the phone and speak like normal..even when in the middle of sleep
4. wake up in the morning without being forced to
5. touch my toes without bending my legs
6. swim at the bottom of the swimming pool
7. cook a tasty puding caramel
seven celebrity crushes:
1. Tomok
2. Jalaluddin Hassan
3. Rosham Nor
4. Dustin Hoffman
5. The guy playing that cheesy lawyer in that TV2 drama Rafflesia
6. Kalau bukan celebrity boleh tak?... That consultant in my office.. hee hee
7. Anuar Zain! Anuar Zain! Anuar Zain!
seven often repeated words:
1. Apaa lagaa
2. Seriuussss?
3. Duuuudeeee!
4. Lek luuuu
5. Pahalll?
6. still..
7. Jomaa jomaaa
seven things that attract me to the opposite sex
1.A big nice smile
2.A sense of humour.. doesnt mean he has to have 10 degrees or 5 masters but a Nobel prize would do..hehe
5.someone whos full of surprises..crazy.. not boring.. always has interesting things to do or talk about
6.height..I like em tall ( at least much taller than me)
7.rhythm.. a guy who knows how to move..
seven tags go to:
1. Lini
2. Ghoy
3. Mooke
4. Mushem
5. Tsue
6. Ezwann
7. Ira (but not sure whether she still blogs)
based on your 7 crushes(ok .. i don't know who tomok is and err.. Anuar Zain ...i think he'd rather go for me than a gal .. if you know what i mean ;)), you dig for older looking man eh?
awakkkkkkk uwaaa tag kite ke....minggu depan boleh tak?minggu nie exam
1.-5 is supposed to be a joke.. but yeah.. i wouldnt mind older men.. heh..
too bad anuar zains not strait eh.. im sure theres a whole of girls who woulndt mind making him happy
anuar zains not strait eh <-SERIOUS???
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