Monday, September 05, 2005

Left Lane

Watching my big brother drive from behind the driver's seat is like watching one of those GP games on PS2... as he speeds up and slips and slides between the cars..

the only difference is.. on PS2.. only your hand shakes as the controller vibrates when the car crashes.. from behind the driver's seat.. your whole body kinda freezes as u silently pray for no crashes..


Anyway.. im back in the office, only to find a report due tomorrow...and a whole lot of people missing..apparently many people moved while i was away.. :(
and i just realised that Ive been away for one whole month... cauw... fancy that eyh?


Muddy said...

why were you away for one whole month? hahahha just curious. btw, the title of your blog is awesome.

Lin said...

heheheh.. had a course for 2 weeks .. and went away for the other 2 ...

Ezwan Emary said...

nie macam tag mooke je