Monday, September 05, 2005

TAG! You're it

Ive been tagged twice... so Let the games begin...

20 years ago, 1985
I was 4 years old and i dont really remember the details.. ( Im amazed at how some people can recall so much) ..itd been 3 years since we moved to penang..I think i was studying at a tadika in USM years old is too young for kindergarten rite?... so then i must have been staying at home with the baby sitter.. learning to read from flash cards.. ( I started reading slightly late)and I was still THE youngest child in the family back then so i was pretty spoilt..I had lots of toys and i remembered having this one favourite white teddy bear which one day got blown away during a very bad storm..It was a pretty scary day and i think this is what started my fear for strong winds and lightning..I can still picture the trees slightly bent due to the wind...
( eyh.... i DO remember stuff!!)

10 years ago, 1995
It was my second year in a boarding school far away from home...I was still trying to cope with seniority basis.. studies and friends... I remembered having to live with third formers and hating it..It was the year i dressed up as a BIRD!! for the annual house party and despite looking like a walking orange coloured rag, i had a good time..This year was also the year i missed out school for about a month and spent 2 weeks in the hospital, living only on IV drip and ice cubes..I underwent 2 surgeries.. One was for appendicitis and the other one was to repair some complication caused by the first.

5 years ago, 2000
It was my final year doing A levels...this is where i met most of my current friends..Id say it was one of the most enjoyable times of my life.. Yeah we might have lived in the middle of nowhere.. but there were so many fun activities to do...It was the place where i found out that u can actually mix studies with fun...Surprisingly i was active in sports.. playing games every afternoon.. and even played netball for the college...
There were also numerous trips to Tanjung Malim..Restoran Jejantas Sungai Buluh..KLCC and Istana Budaya.
Overall : totally auwesome!

3 years ago, 2002
started second year of university in June.. second year in London...the work load was most intensed and one of the most hectic years ever.. My parents were in England for 3 months.. and i was in a relationship..still remembered juggling time between studies.. family and was one weekend in London.. the next in Oxford and the other one in Birmingham..but all's well .. ends well... my parents left and i became single again..
moved into a flat with 3 other friends...A year that i felt very grown up.. learned ways of organising shopping...proper cooking..organised our first ever Raya open house .. it was 2 nights of cooking..60 ppl cramp-ing into a 2 bedroom flat..and 4 tired but happy hostesses..
Went travelling with 5 friends..Paris..Brussels .. Amsterdam ..twas a hot and happening summer.started my very first blog started off as a some experimental summer holiday project which eventually became a passion

Last year, 2004
Final Year in London.. Met some very cool people who became my friends..for the first time in 3 years I got to stay in a single room..had visitors every week and every weekend was like a party...bought myself a guitar and took guitar lessons from friends..bought my own domain..
had a picnic in Hyde Park..
stayed in Southampton for about a month after being kicked out of hostel.Went back in June and came back for Graduation in October.....Started working and got my first paychek in November..moved to KL because of work..
the weirdest year.. within a few months apart i turned from student to trainee engineer..from living in London.. to living in KL

This year, 2005
went for 25 days of survival training OBS.. was one of the most tiring... enjoyable.. sun-burnt 25 days of my life..made more new friends
was attached to MTEN in Putrajaya.. had to do economics instead of engineering..bought my very own baybeecar... all my kawan had new cars..
found out my ex-chalet mate is pregnant..
visited the Holy Land..

Next year
my best friend is getting married.. God knows who else is gonna get married...
hopefully will be working as an engineer at last..back at headquarters..
maybe visit my pals in UK...

10 years from now, 2015
hopefully id be succesful and married with kids.. having done my masters abroad..
but then again.. its just too soon to tell..the important thing is i hope ill be happy... having done every single crazy thing ive always wanted to do..

If given a choice i think i would have chosen different years to write about .. but hey... a meme is a meme..
since everyone i wanted to tag has already been tag by someone..i tag anyone else who hasnt.. come on and spread the joy!

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