Monday, August 08, 2005

This cant be right..

Your IQ Is 95

Your Logical Intelligence is Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Average
Your General Knowledge is Above Average


Lini Azly said...

hmm.. seems like working with the goverment helped with the general knowledge, no?? :-)

Idlan said...

lin, awat IQ aku lagi tinggi? hahahahahahaah

Lin said...

musha: ala aku pon ada yg aku bantai je.. hehe...

lini : i think in a way ada gak kut hehe

idlan : eleh berlagakk... :P

Lin said...

musha: ala aku pon ada yg aku bantai je.. hehe...

lini : i think in a way ada gak kut hehe

idlan : eleh berlagakk... :P