Di tepi pantaii yang indaaaa aahhh
I must have been slightly overactive as a child coz at my current age.. i just cant sit still like staying at home and watch TV..thats why while i was in london i used to jet off to some town every other weekend.
It will only be okey for me to be a couch potato if i had a very very very tiring week... or i just had surgery or im just in one of those extra lazy modes...but in other circumstances i just have to go out..Yeah my daily drives to putrajaya is just not tiring enough...
so today.. despite having a wedding to attend to at 2.. im still feeling fidgety and uneasy...dah la astro takder ceriter best!...
Okey im sure im gonna get some cheesy remarks for this...but yesterday was the AF finals.. and yeah.. as everyone expected .. MAWI "world" won first prize and i think he deserved to win.. yerlah with all his crazy fanatics who've been voting him since week one.. id be surprised if he didnt..but stil i dont think he deserved the other 2 side awards tho...I think Amelia deserved one of em..and.. despite the 4% of votes that Marsha received..I totally adore her..shes fun.. cheeky... and despite being seen as slightly "getik and gedik"... i think i can totally relate to her... Anuar...I know what ure thinking..dont u even dare! :P
Anyway.. i got such a compliment yesterday.. that If it HAD come from a guy.. id say he was hitting on me... *wink wink*
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