Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sebak di dada tiada siapa yg tahu (chewah)

A friend posted this on our whatsapp group and now I miss feta cheese, tomato basil with mozzarella, blackberries, sweet cherry tomatoes, mueller corners and all the amazing food at John Lewis' and M&S' food court đŸ˜©.

Masa study dulu tak mampu dan tak terpikir pon nak membeli belah di sana sb yerla duit is better used for phone bills yg menggunung , sewa rumah dan belanja harian. Dah kerja and lebih berkemampuan ni tak de peluang pulak nak membeli sgt sb they're all perishibles and tak boleh bawak balik Malaysia. :-( 

After holiday depression is hard :-(. Im forever thankful for the 9 wonderful days abroad and I'm not complaining one bit .. I just have a little trouble coping the aftermath. Thats all...


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