Friday, February 21, 2014

wasted opportunity

Hari ni mmg aku takde mood nak bekerja.

I dont feel like doing or even THINGKING about work. Its a Friday.

What do u expect.

The truth is I am sleepy as hell maka otak tak boleh berfikir.

Semalam ziarah sedara yg kehilangan anak 8 bulan due to being borned with a heart abnormality.

One thing I have to say is the parents looked SO SO Strong. Like seriously I dont even have kids yet and I can imagine myself bawling my eyes out if it happened to me.

Thus me crying to myself in the car on the way back.

Sometimes I wonder if you're closer to God, does it make it easier to go through hardship? Mungkin kerana akur akan ketentuan Tuhan maka lebih redha menghadapi dugaan?

I wonder..



Mooke said...

sedihnya. aku selalu rasa if you're close to God you'll be tested more.

Lin said...

tuh la sedih sangat.

Really? i have no reply to that. I do hope that whatever test that He may give us, we will survive.