Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Figure it out

Im going to go all Ramit Sethi, Robert Kiyosaki, and Tony Robbins today so just bear with me.

I have read/watched videos/listened to interviews a lot on self development/positive thinking/financial management... the shiz and one thing I have noticed in nearly all of the articles/programs, the most common question asked is:

What do you want in your life?
What makes you happy?
What is your definition of success? (I actually got this particular question over a skype interview. It was for a very competitive internship program which I obviously didnt get)

But everytime I read this chaper (this is normally the opening chapter of the book or program), I would just skim through it and not really pay attention. My concern then was to just get to the part on HOW i obtain this happiness or success without actually specifying what it means to me.

So with the programs/books/checklists etc Alhamdulillah I have managed to achieve my goals and get what I want and all but I noticed that after awhile I still feel like there  is something missing or now I want something else.

And this is when I start doing a thousand and one different activities just to see which one suits me best. This is not particularly a bad thing because the nature of a successful person/high achiever/ people that I read or follow is that they do not like to waste time and they are always doing something to improve themselves/make their businesses better/generate more income/learn a new skill.

However this time, I cant really see what I want to achieve. Every year I have always had a target or purpose in life. It varies from to quit my job/to buy a new house/to score my exams/to have a better relationship with family and friends (this is actually on going and should not be just an end target)/get a new job etc.

I know you should always rely on God and one of your goals in life is to serve him better, believe me when I say I am doing that too. Praying for His guidance  and all but I have noticed that even in prayers, defining what I want in life is a bit difficult and thats how I  realized that what all these people are preaching is true.

IT IS important to define what makes you happy.

Does your heart sing with joy at the sight of your son that u can come back to everyday at 5?
Or are you smiling secretly thinking of 12 months worth of savings in the bank?
Or does it get your heart pumping when you are in a board room, just about to pitch the biggest project of the year?

So what is happiness to you? Make your description specific and I pray that one day you will get there too.


Mooke said...

I can't define what happiness is but i feel that you're going the opposite way of the theme of your blog. "i don't like perfection it's very dull." (masya Allah i think you're genius to come up with this 7,8 years back?) sounds like what you're looking for is perfection?

have you driven on the highway and saw this corny tagline - "syukur itu nikmat"?.

to answer your questions :

1. yes
2. probably yes if i have it
3. no. after making the awesome pitch, yes.

jom lunch kat citta mall next thursday onwards. or the week after.

Lin said...
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Lin said...

hahaha. firstly I didnt come up with that tag line mooke. I saw it in a newspaper. It was a title of an article kut. I liked it and I think its how I role.

I understand about the syukur part. And Im always thankful with everything that I have. But this is something about finding the right job or what do u want out of your dream job. Panjang huraiannya. Nanti boleh discuss during lunch. heheh. Its a date!