Monday, March 21, 2011

Apple Crisp My Crumbling Heart

When my smartphone was busted last Saturday, I felt so lost.
Its like losing an extension of you. I know.. over sangat kan.. but it did feel like losing a limb.

As pathetic as this may sound, but among the things i missed the most was Angry Birds! So much so that i even installed the PC version of it on MHM's laptop :-P

So in honor of that Apple and to stop myself from feeling depressed, I made Apple Crisp Chenta Hati Saya (nama Melayu ho kay). An apple crisp is somewhat similar to a crumble except its topping is slightly different. The difference and recipe's for both can be found here.

Tuan tuan dan puan puan..

Bahan bahan yang di perlukan
Apples (Du uh?)
Nutmeg and Cinnamon powder
Dried Oats
Brown Sugar

You start by peeling and cutting up the apples into bite size pieces.

I tweaked the recipe a bit by mixing the cut up apples with a table spoon of brown sugar and a bit of cinnamon instead of just leaving it bare.

Then you mix all the dry ingredients with butter and scatter it all over the table on the apples until it covers up the whole casserole dish.

Finally bake until golden brown. Or in my case, until hitam.

Note to self : When the recipe says to pre-heat the oven at 375°F, it doesnt mean that u cook it at that temperature too. Cooking temperature could be lower.

Eventhough it came out slightly burnt, but luckily rasanya masih sedap.

Sekian saja tuan - tuan dan puan - puan sekalian.
Selamat mencuba!


Tuan Puteri said...

aku baru nak jerit, "awat tak ajak aku datang makan!" until I saw the aftermath of your baking skills. Takpelah, better luck next time gurl! ;)

Lin said...

HAHAHAHHA siutt!! :D