Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Pecah kaca pecah gelas sudah baca harap balas

So MHM and I had a baking marathon last weekend. We (when i say we it means him weighing out the ingredients and mixing it all together and me helping him shape the cookies and doing the washing up afterward.. hee) made... (get ready for this )
  • 3 batches of chocolate chip cookies
  • 2 batches of chocolate crinkles
  • 1 batch of oatmeal raisin cookies
  • 1 batch of oatmeal chocolate cookies
  • 1 carrot cake
  • 1 chocolate cake
  • and a partridge in a pear tree
Take that Martha Stewart! And now our dining table is stacked with Tupperwares of cookies and cakes.. macam nak bukak kedai.

How was your Ramadhan so far? its the last 3 days of fasting before you start the eating frenzt. This year MHM and I only ate out 3 times and the rest was either home cooked meals at home or at friends and family's places or bought at the Param and consumed at home. Jimat mak bulan ni nyah!

Tomorrow we'll be on our way back and I am preparing myself mentally and physically for the L.O.N.G journey ahead. I am really hoping that this year wont be as bad as last year.. but sigh..its all wishfull thinking..

Anyway before i leave you with teasers of our bake off last weekend, as the normal saying goes.. Sorry for all my wrongdoings.. terngumpat.. termarah.. termakan.. tergedik (?)... and any grief that i may have caused you either accidentally or on purpose .Have a safe journey home and

Selamat Hari Raya!

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