Thursday, July 22, 2010

You yellow rat bastard!

After 5 days, the jet lag has not gone away. Ive tried sleeping it off but it doesnt seem to work so ive resulted to drugs.
Just pills that help u sleep at night la my dear. And triple shot lattes during the day. Wheeeeeee....

Going on the past 2 weeks trip has been such a long secret dream of mine and now i can finally cross that of my list. You know.. that things to do before Im 30 list.

Summer up east was just hot and dry and regardless of the buckets of water u drink, your pee still turns out dark. While British summer as you all know it, is just totally bollocks. I was dressed for NYC's heat, so I was totally unprepared for Shrewsbury's cold and windy mornings.

MHM actually made a long list of things that we did there, but maybe I'll save that for another day. This week my mind can only accommodate simple tasks like uploading pictures and short captions.

yellow rat bastard
you yellow rat bastard!

meeting this gal for the first time

Central Perk Park

I saw Elmo!

it was so hard to keep my eyes open during the show
because i was so tired from all the walking we did during the day

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oooh please please more about NY!