Friday, June 25, 2010

Here's looking at you kid!

So Kinabalu was totally exhausting but indescribably beautiful. I wished people told me the whole truth when they told me stories of their climbs because i nearly gave up at one kilo meter to the top. But there wasn't any stairs to climb down and waiting in the middle meant freezing to death, so i just slogged through. Little did i know it was a common occurrence for climbers.

Im at the inlaws now, stomach full of the infamous koey teow ganja and the atmosphere festive. Family, friends, lovers and lover's ex lover all together in merriment.

Relationships are a funny thing, and these past few weeks ive heard a lot of status changes. The divorced married, the engaged seperated, sweethearts to friends, singles to couples.

I read this somewhere :

"An older woman told me something that stayed with me. I asked her how she stayed married so long. Her reply, ‘We never both fell out of love at the same time.’ I love that, because no matter how much we want to deny it, there are times we want to throw our boyfriends or husbands overboard—and vice versa. But as long as someone is trying, then you can make it!”

And i think, that just says it all. Relationships are not perfect and needs a lot of hard work. But at the end of the day, you should never give up. Once one of you throws in the towel, everything just falls apart.

Optimistically, maybe in some ways its a good thing. Maybe its a sign from God that it wasnt meant to be. And He's saving you for even worse heartache later in the future. If it was meant to be, you will be together again regardless of what happen. But if you dont, then have faith that God has better plans for you.

p/s : to my dearest beloved, thank you for being there for me throughout that torturous climb. I dont think i could have done it without you.Hugs hugs. KISS kiss.


Anonymous said...

i like this :-). it's really nice when you put your thoughtfulness in writing.


Lin said...

hihih... obviously im not this "thoughtfull" often :P