Monday, November 09, 2009

Isn't it about time you stuck up for me?

"....It makes that perfectly clear at the beginning of the movie, but it is a movie about love. This is a story that most people can probably relate to, unless you are one of those lucky people never to have been on the losing end of the game of love.." - 500 Days Of Summer review.

The lines in this story would have sounded so corny if it wasn't so real. Words that u and I have spoken maybe more than once while we were growing up.

Maybe this story didnt really make that big an impact as i believe im one of those lucky ones who end up with the love of their life. Although I wouldnt say my first love coz I fell that deeply in love too long ago with a boy i knew id never be with.

But I can imagine and maybe even relate to that crushing moment when u feel like you've lost the best thing u ever had. How the pain feels so real, as if you were physically hurt. One time too many have i seen these incidents change a person, a friend.

Whats great about this movie is how it shows how when people remember a past relationship, they may not remember every detail in order. Thus how the story jumps from day 1 of Tom's relationship with Summer (which how the the name of the movie came about) to day 327 and then back to day 51. People choose what they want to remember. And most of the time they only remember the good, and none of the bad. Which normally makes it even harder to move on.

Maybe 'The One' is overrated. Maybe love to one person is just a series of coincidences that only feels siginificant to one party but means nothing to the next.

Summer: I woke up one morning and I just knew.
: Knew what?
Summer: What I was never sure of with you.

Go watch it already! If you dont feel anything after watching it, then i dare say u have never been in love.

Even if you dont want to watch it for the story line, watch it for the soundtrack. It is... how do u say it?.. Je ne sais quoi...
A moment
A love
A dream
A kiss
A cry
Our rights Our wrongs
A moment a love

- Sweet Dispostion -

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