Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This is Roc Nation, pledge your allegiance

So i aged one more year today and instead of fretting on how closer to Thirty than i am to Twenty Five, i am looking at the glass half full. Im saying that i have TWO more years to do all the things ive wanted to do before the big Three-Owh instead of one. ha ha..

mmm Ive crossed out getting a diving license from my list. Too bad i didnt kiss Kris Dayanti when we went to watch her last Friday ( which was awesome and her singing Menghitung Hari made the one and a half hours wait worth it) cos then i could have crossed out No 4. hee.. Alaa...superstar? rockstar? boy band? theyre all the same and whos couting pon kan?

Well some people take a day off from work on their birthdays, which i think is such a brilliant (!) concept so im taking half a day off today and treating myself to a spa, all expenses on me! Hey you need to give yourself a gift too you know?

So happy birthday to me. A year older, bolder, prettier, wiser and maybe thinner?

p/s im already starting to eat like a fat girl trapped in a thin girls body. *whining* cant i start eating healthily once im fat with sagging breasts and cholestrol level off the charts?!

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