Monday, August 10, 2009

Indah seri sang rembulan

Its been awhile since ive updated. Rasa rindu pulak.
If only blogger can be updated like twitter.. melalui handphone. Kan best?

So everything went well last week, even though it rained quiet a bit during my side of the event. but as they say.. 'Hujan rahmat weih!' Food was fabulous, from what i heard. Menyesal tidak melantak nasi beriyani di hari pertama.

Anyway to all you well wishers, especially to those who came to the event. You have no idea how much it meant to me to see your smiling faces.

Thank you so much.
From the bottom of my heart.



fadiah said...

salam Lin, tahniah atas pernikahan.

Baru tahu setelah baca blog ko nih...upload la gambar, boleh tgk..

Lin said...

thank u fadiah.
Rasanya dah invite dah semua budak PEP. maybe ter miss u out. sorry.
pictures ada kat facebook :)