Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I really see you upside down..

ish.. asal lah ada orang lain kat office nih nak guna sama ring tone ngan aku nihhh...
benci betul.. confuse aku..
btw.. best jugak ringtone Fast and Furiousoooo tuh...
btw.. saper dengar Hitz FM? about Jay Jay loosing his laugther.... how sad could that be..
id be dead inside if i couldnt laugh.. ha ha..
but hey.. i know.. its all part of the gimmick..
did u hear that "Doctor"  rambling about how laugther was connected to the pancreas?...
Now.. THATS funny!.. in a very mengarut way of course..
btw..hows Ramadhan working out for you?..
a friend just came back from London  and aku sure sangat dia tak sabar sabar nak melantak buffet buffet berbuka puasa
sambil berlagak pada kawan aku yang masih di Southampton ( hee.. angkat dua jari.. peace!)
my sister just went back to London.. after a whole week of delicious Mama's and Atuk's cooking for buka puasa.. which i know 
akan menyebabkan dia tidak lansung kempunan masakan malaysia until she comes back next summer..
someone i know lost his slipper after sembahyang Isya' di masjid Bangsar and had to walk barefeet all the way to Bangsar village
to get some new trendy flip flops.. (ada ke patut .. bulan bulan puasa pon nak curi kasut orang...)
and as for has completely turned 360 degrees.(in a good way) all aspects of kehidupan....
whichstill feels a bit surreal.. and im just still trying to getting the handle of things..
other than that..
its a daisy...


Anonymous said...

lemme guess, ding-dong bells???

Anonymous said...

frustrating gell bile terpanic-panic ingat kita punya phone...and then we're going thru the handbag looking for the thingie to angkat so that the ring tone would diam..and suddenly it stops while the person nearby says: "Hello?"

Anonymous said...

ill be switching off my hphone this thursday. definitely.

Lin said...

nenn : ding dong bells ...the cat is in the well?? :-p

sau : i know!!!...benci tau!...

ghoyye : hahahaha... takper nanti tgk fotopage man eh? hehe