Sunday, September 24, 2006

Everybody knows...

J.D :When i said Elliot would never be into a guy like you..Its because you're a 35 year old bar tender who still lives in our mothers attic..and has no signs of changing..Im not saying this to make you feel telling you this because I think you have the potential to do what ever u wanna do with your life but you have to actually try..
and then i got the answer i expected...
Dan : Dont u need to get back to work?

J.D : Eventhough i know my brother wasnt going to change, Elliot was comes down to what helps you sleep at night...
whether its a strong sense of denial..
or the fact that u love your son..
as for me.. I was just happy to get some rest..

Failure sucks man... even if you have something to fall back on to...but i guess at times like these.. you just gotta be content with the fact you actually tried.. and was given the chance to matter what the outcome...

yeah ... whatever helps you sleep at night...

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