Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I know im suppose to update on my recent trip tapi aku rasa sangat kurang bersemangat untuk update if i cannot see that BLOGGER interface.yeah call me fussy but it just feels different updating in blogger than in some email. Its the same reason that i use to not write my entries in a wordpad or notepad, save it and post whenever i get internet access. You know .. it just feels unsatisfactory.. unfullfilling..and all that crap..I like to update.. click the publish button and whallaaaa the entry appears on my blog. but that was aeons ago.. Now i write wherever and whenever i feel like to.. Id save it somewhere and whenever the reason strucks me id publish it..Nowadays its a fetish with having to update only when I see the blogger interface... sheeesh.. but im just too bored out of my mind right now.. so updating guna email pon jadilaaaaah.....Too bad i didnt bring my little green book.. Kalau dak boleh gak baca.. * *sigh.....*

btw DAN wuz ere!!!Ur blog has been HACKED Lin!!!MUAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

laaaa.. mati2 aku ingatkan si Lin!!! Hahahahahahahah

Lin said...

eh nenn... that WAS me..

but i asked Dann to help me on "something"

Anonymous said... nggak bersalah dong!bener!!cuman bantuin aja!!!

*to avoid any confusion,that entry was written by Lin herself.eheheh*