This year has been a year of constant challenges.. it might not be the toughest year yet but its definitely a continuous stream of challenges all the way..
by the time im ready to settle down in comfort, a new punch is thrown my way and im busy ducking and defending my self
Still to be fair, there were also many little joys along the way which made every step.. every move a little less hurtful and a little more more enjoyable.. as i once said before, what is life without anticipation, regrets and dejection.. umpama cawan putih tanpa corak.. its usefull ..serves the purpose.. but so dull and predictable..
Even the people i care about were constantly evolving.. old bonds broken and new relationships formed..its like a year of reformation for everyone.. I guess its tough changing status from student to office-slave.Anyway, to end things, heres a summary of the good, the bad and the evil of 2005.. *drum roll*
In random order..
Good Moments :
1. OBS - The best 25 days of my life.
2. The holy land - a time to repent and just sit there doing nothing but glorify-ing the One and Only..
3. Putrajaya
4. 3 different dates in one weekend
5. Bora Ombak .. *click* *click*
6. you and you
7. Friends getting married, engaged.. giving birth..
8. Chilis..
9. "A lot like love"
10. Kereta kecil warna meraaah.. boleh ku bawa ke sekolah
11. Sabah.. woooohooooo
Not so good moments :
1. OBS - penat, hitam dan legam..
2. Putrajaya - 2 hour daily drives
3. Budget budget budget..
4. Friends breaking up.. and not knowing what to say and what not to say..
5. you
6. Missing familiar faces :(
7. Dealing with the administration
Hats off to 2005!.. How you doiiinnnnnn 2006
Happy New Year y'all

Hepi New year Lin!! & I tot you drive kelisa?
Rostam : Thanks.. will do..
Anuar : kereta kecil warna merah = kelisa merah la beb..
mmg pon... happy new year to u too..
happy new yearrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!
bila nak blanja kueh teow?
sure.. whenever ure back here..
'Friends breaking up.. and not knowing what to say and what not to say...' - yes I had that same prob too!how aarr next time???
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