Friday, December 09, 2005

Self-inflicted pain

I have been PC hopping from one PC to another since I have yet to be placed in a specific unit thus a specific desk..
Luckily im used to the current office as i have been attached here before and i know my way around.. so, there wasnt any of that weird first-day-of-work experiences..
I was actually welcomed with open arms ( literally!)..
Im still waiting to be moved to the level above which im sure ill have to suffer through "hi-Im-Lin.. and-you-are?" phase...
The thing about PC hopping is that i tend to view this page in every PC and it feels like planting seeds of disaster all over the place..I do not want every macha and lenchai in the office reading my blog..that would just be suicidal..
So my question is.. how do i erase my blog from their history list without having doing -tools-internet options-clear history- coz i do not want to erase the list of links they usually case they dont put it in their favourites..
is it possible or should i just kill my self now?


Lin said...

thanks for the tip...
slamber nak suruh org mati.. heh

Ezwan Emary said...

SELAMBERR!!! muahahhaaa....hehe...gitu pulak...ok pe ramai ramai tengok...bertambah GLEMER GITU!! :p nanti baru la traffic blog bertambah...tak gitu? well nie dah kol 1.19....esok jalan jauh...GUDLUCK TEMPAT KEJE BARUUUU!!!