Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Happy 18th Birthday

since i did a post for Abang.. it is fair enough i do this for Nana...

so here goes... my darling little sister.. who looks like me.. talks like me.
( dress like me; walk, talk and act like me..and just might be the next best thing but not quite me! so will the real slim shady please stand up!)

..but maybe slightly cooler than me..(im still smarter..) turned 18 yesterday.
its a big thing for her coz now at last she can apply for her Student Oyster Photocard.. Get a new phone and phone contract..go and watch 18 rated movies at Odeon.and.bla bla bla bla bla...

Im sure ure birthday celebration was a blast.. and no.. I didnt forget.. i was just a bit too busy to put up a proper entry yesterday... anyway i hear that u are having a ball** in London..have fun.. and get back here soon.. then we can go shisha together gether okey!...

edited 30 november :23.33 hrs
source :
ball( P Pronunciation Key (bôl)
1.A formal gathering for social dancing.
2. Informal. An extremely enjoyable time or experience: We had a ball during our vacation. <-I meant this one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heh..serius nana igt kaklin lupe.. timekasih for the tribute!