Monday, November 28, 2005

The camera dont Lie

I think ive been sounding like such a sour grape these past few entries (excluding the ones with food la..)
the truth is, life has been great..a whole lot of things have happened that it would take too much time and effort for me to write it all down here but lets just say within this small time frame ive had a fair share of grief.. excitement and frenzy all rolled up in one.. but nothing so much out of the ordinary that it is worth mentioning here..
Ive missed some people here and there but that has never stopped me from appreciating the company i have currently..
like always there were many weddings and engagements to attend to..and the previous weekend was as hectic as ever...
met up with old friends.. to do new things..lots of laughing.. picture taking.. coolness ratings and flashbacks of the past..
I am nervous about the coming few days but what is life without anticipation, regrets and dejection..
In the end, it all comes back to how we view things and our attitude towards them..
sometimes..when you just cant beat em... you join em!... :D


Anonymous said...

Please don't smoke. :)

Nikman Shah said...

Apa kena mengena entry ko dgn gamba cigs ni? Don't tell me ur considering to start smoking? Ish3. Like Ali said, please don't smoke. Nothing good will come of it, I tell ya. Nothing.

Lin said...

hehe.. picture courtesy of

dont worry.. i know my limits

Nikman Shah said...

So you did consider starting to smoke eh? Limits? There are no limits to smoking, my friend. Even a small puff can bring a lot of harm to your body.

But oh well, it's your body. I hope one day you'll realise that smoking is 100% bad and will stop for good.

And make sure to be considerate to us non-smokers. Don't blow your asap to us tau...

Lin said...

actually the picture was just a picture.. nothing to it..

but thanks for the advice... :D

Lin said...

actually the picture was just a picture.. nothing to it..

but thanks for the advice... :D

Nikman Shah said...

La ye ke? Hehehe... Buat kitorang risau jek.:P Takpe lah, apa2 ko buat pun, harap2 u're happy with it.:)