Friday, September 16, 2005

I cannot stand ..

[1] People who hog the road..Ingat bapak u punya jalan ke?! Pleaselah dont do 60km/h on a 90km/h lane!

[2] Guys who talk about marriage,having kids,where ud live when ure settled...AS IF ure their girlfriends...Are they trying to show that they're really interested.. or are they just trying to give the impression that they are serious... when truthfully they are not..

[3] the sound of sharp nails.. dragged on a blackboard.. it makes this screeeeeching sound that just makes u cringe ..

[4] Girls who are just too insecure about themselves..Yes i least 60% of people have low self esteem.. I have it too... but please lah dont put yourself down by saying.." Alaaah...I nih gemuk tak macam u...".. "Yerlah U tuh lawa"... when ure actually stick thin and gorgeous ..just so that someone would come up and give u all these compliments to make u feel better.To me its just a dirty tactic to attract attention..Come on ladies...Confidence is one of the sexiest things in a woman!

[5] Homepages with embedded sound files which u cant turn off and makes page loading slow..Oh come auwwnn..not everyone has streamyx okey!

[6] People who make such simple grammatical errors while trying to show off as if they're an expert in english..Okey.. I do respect the effort and yes it does need a lot of practice to make oneself fluent.. but when trying to prove a point... please lah take some time to carefully think the words and not just ramble on like some lunatic..Better stil.. write in Malay...It will definitely make u look more respectable..

[7] People who can easily laugh at someones weakness or voice out their misunderstandings loudly... but can never accept other's truthful opinion about them..They dont mind saying bad things about other people.. but when the tables are turned.. they get into some stupid rage..
Being able to laught at your own self may be hard to some but it makes u seem more approachable.


AF said...

amboih. marah ye kak. jangan marah, nanti business jual roti+kari ikan tak untung.

Lin said...

lini: hahaha... theres always a first time for everything hehehe

anuar : takper.. abdullah adaaa...

Anonymous said...

alamak lin, i'm guilty of no.4.
but..but...i'm really NOT thin!! hahaha, does that helps?

Lin said...

lin : im sure ure thinner than u think nenn.. :P

Ezwan Emary said...

1. i like this term better 'Ingat bapak KO punya jalan ke!!' muahaha

2. this guys mcm pompuan la pulak

3. i dun mind

4. Confidence is one of the sexiest things in a woman...this maybe true...tapi point yg last last kot.

5. i agree...not everyone has streamyx okey! :-p me also dun have what (in seremban)

6. i always end up with bad grammer...kalau tak cuba sikit2 sampai bila pun tak berjaya.

7. normally i dun do this...keep it to urself...jgn ajar orang bersangka buruk...biasanya apa kita cakap kat org Allah akan uji balik kat senyap je.