Thursday, September 01, 2005

Back at One

I hate doing karangans...compositions.. I still remember struggling trying to do those 80 patah perkataan or one and a half pages karangan for SPM and PMR...

Soooo... when my mom asked me to do one of her reports for her.. I profusely declined.. I dont mind just simply typing things out.. but I cannot tollerate having to think up the proper words to form the proper sentences .Its bad enough that my job forces me to write a report every week..

Aaaaaaaaaand....Ironically... I actually own a blog!...

On a different note.. I am back in Malaysia..
people say..whatever weird or wonderous experience that u face in the holy land is for you to learn and ponder .. and only for your self alone..

but i just have to say.. It was definitely one of the hottest summer ever.. and i dont just mean the weather...*winks


Anonymous said...

welcome back dude!!! eh... assalamualaikum ;)

p/s: whaddya mean by its not just the weather je yg hot? *blur*

Lin said...


i meant.. the people there were hot tooo...