Monday, August 15, 2005

I Miss You

I have missed the smoooth touch of the keyboard...
the blair of the bright screen..
the sounds of Pings.... and BUZZss.....
the 404 errors...

so here i am.. at a CC.. blakang UPTEN...

man.. Im just another internet junkie!...


Nikman Shah said...

Pegi CC kat sebelah upten tu ke? Yg kat sebelah PT tu? Huhuhu... bawak la kete tu cari CC yg lagi best. Tu tak best langsung... :D

Nikman Shah said...

FCB? Why? And why is it called upten in the first place eh? Kemaruk nak pegi Uptown sgt la kot dak2 Uniten ni... huhuhu... (me not included! ;))

Ezwan Emary said...

takde gambo futsal ke?

Lin said...

CC kat sebelah UPTEN tuh... terpaksa guna CC sbb i havent been on the office for 2 weeks..

btw.. gambar futsal tarak.. tak bawak kamera pon