Saturday, October 04, 2014

dari dapur Kakak KD

The thing i love about this blog is other than the fact that I get to ramble on like a lunatic without people judging me (knowingly.. since I don't really know any of you [three] readers) but it also acts as my personal diary for important life events AND favourite recipes. 

I'm at MIL's again today and since I don't really have anything significant to do and the fact that I know MIL is a big fan of sweet things, I have made my ever so famous ( ha ha ) apple crumble...

and u know what? the recipe I keep coming to is the one I keep here!

Seriously girls this recipe is idiot proof. You cannot get it wrong! I've made it time and time again. It has yet to fail me. The only few times that I got it wrong was when I either slightly over or under cook it but taste wise it is just perfect. You can even scale it depending on how many people u want to serve it to. I've made a big batch for the in laws and my parents once and all I did was double the recipe.

Anyway today I want to share and keep for future reference some simple and interesting vegan + vegetarian  recipes I found on the net. Don't worry I have yet to turn into one but I have tried a few vegetarian dishes like veggie burgers  at Goodburger (NYC), Delicious OU and vegetarian lasagna in Singapore and they were superb. It didn't feel like u missed anything because the tastes were good and the meal fulfilling.

I'm a big fan of Jamie Oliver and he introduced the concept of meat free Mondays in his series. This doesn't mean u go stark vegetarian but instead of the typical protein of chicken or meat, you cook using seafood, fish or plant based proteins. Not only animal agriculture consumes a lot of our natural resources like water and land but the current methods of meat production contribute to high level of green houses gasses.... but captain planet aside, there has been a lot of known implications of consuming too much meat in your diet so having one night a week of no meat would do you good.

I have tried making vegetarian lasagna before using pumpkin ( tastes just like a normal beef lagsana!) and vegetarian spaghetti; both turned out fine and tasty. So my next project that I want to try is making vegetarian burgers (using chick peas, beans, sweet potatoes) and a vegetarian shepards pie. So below are some of the recipes that I'm dying to try and want to keep for later use:

(mind u I have not tried any of them yet so I can't attest to whether they will taste or turn out OK)

Chickpea burger :

Vegan burger:
Using sweet potatoes and bean:

vegan sheapards pie

Selamat mencuba and happy cooking!

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