Thursday, July 31, 2014

Hello World

It's been a while since I babbled here. 29 days to be exact, according to Biasa lah Ramadhan has that effect on you where you have little time to do other things than work, balik jam, masak, short work out, buka puasa, sembahyang terawikh, layan tv sat, tidur, bangun awal sahur, subuh, Quran time, short nap, work and the cycle continues.

Since my last post it is now the 4th day of Syawal and if I may say this year I prepared for Eid like a giddy little school girl. Stocking up on mercun and bunga api (I kid you not, this year we had SO much fireworks it could cover 5 years of Raya), the obligatory kuih raya making and the slightly different from previous years; the last minute baju raya shopping. ( I didn't intend to buy a new outfit at first but caved in to social pressure at the very last hour haha)

Alhamdulillah I managed to continue  last year's momentum for Ramadhan this year, so no regrets on the ibadah front i guess. Of course there's always room for improvement but if it wasn't for the monthly women's issues I would have had a quite a fulfilling Ramadhan. I have decided that for Ramadhan, if I cant do a lot than i have to at least do more than the previous year and thankfully this year that was the case. 

Work is improving so far  and I blame that for not updating this space more frequently. I've noticed i tend to write more when I'm depressed and since things are looking up I dont need to vent so much LoL.

Anyway Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2014 and wishing that your Syawal is as amazing as mine.

On different note, takziah to a dear friend who lost his father yesterday on the third day of Raya. May his father rest in peace and his family stay strong in these trying times.

Al fatihah.

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