Sunday, June 09, 2013

Signage di LDP: Kawal emosi semasa memandu

Amekaww. Semua orang kene bambu dgn aku hari ni. Or to be exact dengan my own personal gangster: MHM.

Tak sia sia muka dia mcm lelaki pukul bini or "wife beater". Hari ni dgn renter renter `sekali aku kasi.
I dont really care what time u want to come but please have the tendency to update me if you are going to be late. I hold the same principle with everybody tak kire la kawan ke, lawan ke, sedara ke, family ke, colleague ke.

Semua orang akan aku bambu and if i dont sarcastically "sound" kau depan depan, trust me aku tgh maki kau dalam hati or maki kau dlm blog ni. Or when I'm in one of those moods I'll post on facebook or twitter. So bitch (pause) please tell me when you're going to be late.

On a different note I have found another person to read who is witty, funny, sarcastic and insane all at the same time. I will enjoy reading this blog. And if i may say so aku rasa aku dan dia ada sedikit persamaan. Sama sama gile. cuma mungkin penulisan dia lebih infomatik (ada kan perkataan tu?)

Totally random: Lelaki memakai boxer adalah terlalu hangat. (especially MHM hee) If u ever want me to sleep with you thats what you should wear. Wear that and ONLY that.

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